Crushing It In Construction
Crushing It In Construction is a weekly podcast created to give people in the construction industry a resource where they can learn tips and tactics on how to improve their business, improve their career and keep up to date on everything happening in the world of construction. We cover a wide range of tips from marketing construction, technology, succession planning, recruiting, culture and much much more. Whether you're in heavy civil, mining, engineering, building, landscaping or plumbing our guests share tips and tactics that are actionable and insightful.
Podcasting since 2022 • 98 episodes
Crushing It In Construction
Latest Episodes
#98 Growth, Investors, Awards and The ASX: Aiming High With Daniel Mikus
Welcome back to the Crushing It In Construction Podcast.Want to know what an intrapreneur is? Or how to score $13 million revenue in your first year? It’s time to meet Daniel Mikus, co-founder and co-CEO of asphalt experts MR Ro...
#97 Cash Flow, Labour Shortages, And A Hungover Sales Pitch... A Guide To Growing A Company With Garreth Higgins
Welcome back to the Crushing It In Construction Podcast.It's time to learn from a Managing Director with some stories to tell about growing a company from the ground up. This week's guest is Garreth Higgins, from Offaly Civil in Queensla...
#96 How To Adopt The Steady Growth Mindset With Abdullah Haddara
Welcome back to the Crushing It In Construction Podcast.It's time to face a brutal fact: nearly 3400 construction industry businesses have gone bust in the last 18 months.Here to share his blueprint for keeping your business afl...
#95 You're A Great Builder... But It's Time To Think Like An Entrepreneur. With Mick Hawes
Welcome back to the Crushing It In Construction Podcast.It's time for a masterclass from residential building business coach Mick Hawes, of Builders Business Blackbelt.He takes us through how he found his niche, and reveals how he...
#94 Guiding A Reputable Business Into The Modern Age With Leonardo Dimino
Welcome back to the Crushing It In Construction Podcast.Joining the discussion this week is hydraulic engineer and Managing Director of Sparks+Partners Consulting Engineers, Leon Dimino.Leon takes us through his rise to the top,...