Crushing It In Construction
Crushing It In Construction is a weekly podcast created to give people in the construction industry a resource where they can learn tips and tactics on how to improve their business, improve their career and keep up to date on everything happening in the world of construction. We cover a wide range of tips from marketing construction, technology, succession planning, recruiting, culture and much much more. Whether you're in heavy civil, mining, engineering, building, landscaping or plumbing our guests share tips and tactics that are actionable and insightful.
Crushing It In Construction
#92 How To Grow Your Business Rapidly AND Retain A Sense Of Belonging... With Jarrad Tait
Welcome back to the Crushing It In Construction Podcast.
It's a great pleasure to welcome Jarrad Tait onto the show this week from Adelaide Hills Lawns & Gardens.
Jarrad developed an early passion for the outdoors, and in the midst of enjoying stints as a cricketer in the UK he settled into seasonal landscaping work back in Australia.
One thing led to another, and soon he had the tools, the Facebook page, and a black trailer with the logo. As he says - "all the gear but no idea..."
Fast-forward: he's now got a business partner in ex-employee Luke Timmins, a landscaping yard, and AHLG now have a team of over 75 people and counting.
Today's episode is all about expansion - with Jarrad sharing how a crucial mentor transformed their business ambition, why it's not just about building culture it's about creating a sense of belonging, and why the smartest thing you can do is to hire for values.
Let's get started.
Jarrad Tait
LinkedIn: https://au.linkedin.com/in/jarrad-tait-89636b179
Website: https://www.ahlg.com.au/
Jordan Skinner
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jordan-skinner-685439178/
Website: https://moonshotmedia.com.au/
Want to book a FREE 30-minute consultation call? Book a time to speak here: https://calendly.com/book-a-chat-with-jordan/chat-with-jordan