Crushing It In Construction
Crushing It In Construction is a weekly podcast created to give people in the construction industry a resource where they can learn tips and tactics on how to improve their business, improve their career and keep up to date on everything happening in the world of construction. We cover a wide range of tips from marketing construction, technology, succession planning, recruiting, culture and much much more. Whether you're in heavy civil, mining, engineering, building, landscaping or plumbing our guests share tips and tactics that are actionable and insightful.
Crushing It In Construction
#79 Save On Your Wagebill - Hire Overseas Talent! With Will Wang
Welcome back to the Crushing It In Construction Podcast.
It's time for a different kind of episode today, as we dive into something that every construction company could benefit from: hiring overseas talent.
Our expert? Founder and CEO of reputable marketing and lead generation agency GrowthLabz, Will Wang.
As Will shares, he has hired over fifty employees from the Philippines over the years, and so he knows exactly what it takes to ensure success, support a happy workforce and save on the company wagebill.
He gives the lowdown on everything you need to know: where to hire, how to advertise, how much you could save, and how to maintain a team spirit when half the team are a couple thousand miles away.
Strap in and see what this could do for your business!
Will Wang
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/willwangliveshere
Website: https://growthlabz.com/
Email: info@growthlabz.com
Jordan Skinner
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jordan-skinner-685439178/
Website: https://moonshotmedia.com.au/
Want to book a FREE 30-minute consultation call? Book a time to speak here: https://calendly.com/book-a-chat-with-jordan/chat-with-jordan
Is your company attractive to potential employees? Take the scorecard: https://moonshotmedia.com.au/scorecard